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Cultivating wellbeing in the built environment

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Organizations are finding ways employees can escape to work, rather than from work. Their initiatives aim to connect wellbeing to the built environment.

Source: www.reminetwork.com

Great article which outlines how much ergonomics and human factors design is very much part of Wellbeing in the workplace which Steelcase espouses.  The best was to summarize the article is "The built environment is an “asset to maximize human potential.”. If you want to learn more about this topic and how it applies to your workplace sign up for the 3rd Seminar by Steelcase’s Kathy Smythe & Optimal Performance’s Jane Sleeth March 26th am, breakfast will be served. Sign up on Info@optimalperformance.ca or 888 768-2106 & ask for Carla. 

See on Scoop.itHuman Factors Design

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