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OPA latest event: When Why How; When Science is Applied to Office Ergonomics an ROI Occurs

Home / Uncategorized / OPA latest event: When Why How; When Science is Applied to Office Ergonomics an ROI Occurs

OPA latest event: When Why How; When Science is Applied to Office Ergonomics an ROI Occurs When Wednesday June 25, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM EDT Add to Calendar Where Mayfair Racket Club 801 Lakeshore Blvd. East Toronto, ON M4M 1B2 Driving Directions “You’re invited to Optimal Performance Consultants June 25th 2014 seminar at the Mayfair Club” Our seminar will address: • Often encountered bias against the use of ergonomics in some workplaces • How Ergonomic experts should always lead to a Return on the Investment over a period of time • How the use of qualified Ergonomists is best used in the work environment • Why to expect the Ergonomist to use only evidence based standards • Who is a Certified and qualified Ergonomic expect Click on the link below to Register. Register Now!http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=owg9zypab&oeidk=a07e9djv0txdea626af

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