OPC Inc. conducts on-going Qualitative Research about Open Office Design’s costly losses As part of OPC Inc’s ongoing qualitative research regarding office design, we undertook this [...]
DIY accessibility – NOW Magazine. The Ramp Project is a positive step in the right direction in that it raises awareness about People with Disabilities (PwD). The issue Optimal Performance [...]
December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments. To all of my friends, family, patients of mine, clients all of whom have [...]
Think the AODA compliance requirements won't come to pass? Read this Blog by well known expert and speaker Jane Sleeth of Optimal Performance Consultants which outlines how large corporate [...]
Are you a jerk to people with disabilities without even knowing it? – Vox. Most people in the workplace who have been exposed to a diverse workforce will be able to see the humour in [...]
Are you a jerk to people with disabilities without even knowing it? – Vox. Most people in the workplace who have been exposed to a diverse workforce will be able to see the humour in [...]
I am starting to read in the Ontario based “Condo Law Blog” in order to learn about trends related to the Built Environment in Ontario. Between this type of Blog and based on our [...]
AODA Compliance – Compliance Reports are due this year 2014 By December 31, 2014, private sector employers with at least 50 employees in Ontario, must file a report with the Ministry of [...]
This represents an excerpt from: “Releasing Constraints: Projecting the Economic Impacts of Improved Accessibility in Ontario (Accessible Version)” OCADU Recent Statistics from the [...]