DIY accessibility – NOW Magazine.
The Ramp Project is a positive step in the right direction in that it raises awareness about People with Disabilities (PwD). The issue Optimal Performance has with these types of accessible specific designs is they inadvertently dis able other people. For example these ramps jut out into the public sidewalks & walkways causing people to trip. If you have a person pushing a stroller, an older person using a walker or a person who is blind or with low vision these ramps become a hazard.
The solution? Use Human Centered & Universal Design whereby the designs take into consideration all people, of differing abilities and a large range of statures.
Learn more about Human Centered Universal Design by reading our Blog Posts under these Tags; Ergonomic Design, Universal Design, Human Centered Design, Active Design.
Want to understand if your building; hotel, retail, restaurant, office tower are accessible to all? Contact one of our Architects or OBC Certified Interior Designers to talk about the OPC Inc Built Environment Audit Apps & consulting expertise.
Remember the deadline to report both your continued support of the CSS plus the Multi-Year Plan and IASR Policies is December 31st. The Directorate is conducting reviews of workplaces to determine if they are compliant. They are now levying fines as well. Time to take the AODA seriously in the province. The AODA is here to stay to the benefit of us all when we work, play, commute and recreate in this Province.
The AODA Team at Optimal Performance Consultants Inc.