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Update on the OBC and Accessible Public Spaces Posted to FAMOS Newsletter this week

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HI FAMOS Members for Toronto;

An update for the FAMOS Newsletter from Optimal Performance Consultants Inc.;

The Ontario Build Code is set for release January 2014.

The ABES or Accessible Built Environment Standard was to be released at the same time as the OBC.

At this point in time our insider information wtih the Ministry and with a Professor at OCADU finds that the OBC ABES Working and Technical committees are awaiting the responses from the Public Consultation on the National Build Code for Canada (NBC); specifically the Barrier Free Design Sections.

Once this feedback is in place and the NBC updates its own Barrier Free Design it looks like Ontario will follow suit to be in step with the NBC.

In the meantime any and all of the Accessible Design elements for Public Spaces in Ontario remains in effect under the IASR Phase of the AODA. Therefore the public spaces in and around buildings must have accessible signage and wayfinding, accessible eating and picnic areas, accessible sidewalk access to retail for example, accessible public walkways, meeting areas etc.  This is in effect as of 2013 and there are due dates for this which are mandatory for build  & property owners and building managers etc.

OPC will be providing a Webinar via BOMA Toronto October 23rd about this topic. For more information contact Bala Gnanam of BOMA Toronto.

For more information about the Accessible Public Spaces part of the IASR and timelines for compliance feel free to contact us at AODA@OptimalPerformance.ca


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