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How Moral Hazards Affect Workers Compensation Behaviour

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How Moral Hazards Affect Workers Compensation Behaviour
This is an excerpt from the Blog entitled Amaxx Risk Solutions, author Rebecca Shafer. I recommend this article as this encapsulates what we find statistically occurs in our Disability Practice at OPC as well as that of many large & small Disability Management firms & WCB’s in Canada.
Turns out Dr Hamilton Hall was right all along!


Here is the short list of what Author Rebecca Shafer explains in greater detail in her Blog where employees who have applied for WCB compensation tend to reveal the following changes from their normal behaviours related to the workplace;

1. Increased pain behaviour
2. Increased drug-seeking behaviour
3. Poor work quality in light duty return to work
4. Increased work behaviour due to pain
5. General avoidance with employer
6. Lack of good return to work outcomes including no return to pre-injury job, no return, or higher levels of recedivism

It is critical for HR professionals, DM & RTW professionals to be very aware of these changes in behaviour as well as Managers of employees who have applied for WCB coverage.

Bottom line is assertive, evidence based and timely stay-at-work and return-to-work processes need to occur in each and every case which occurs in the workplace.

For further reading about this topic check out Carswell’s Best Selling “Return to Work Compliance Toolkit” published 1998 and updated twice per year; Author JESleeth

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