It has taken a while however we wanted to do this right versus being the first out of the gates! At Optimal our team wanted to ensure our Blog was not just about adding unnecessary content into the Blogosphere but to really make a difference to our readership in terms of adding fair, objective & truly helpful articles, photographs, videos and guest articles on a number of related topics.
The topics we know from our clients and readership will be of interest will include; Ergonomics and Ergonomic Design; Human Factors and Human Error; Accessible design of communication systems and workplace design; and the prevention of disability. I will also be writing about my favourite related topics including; why General Practitioners in Canada have not kept up with the knowledge and clinic practice related to workplace injury, illness, accidents and return to work; how Big Pharma contributes to the broadening definition of disease so many of us take medication for “diseases” we did not even hear or or have even 5 years ago; and I want to highlight who the great employers are in Canada who have great ergonomic, disability prevention and accessibility programs in place.
At Optimal we truly look forward to writing and education and of course hearing from you even if your opinions differ from ours.
Now lets get the discussions, arguments and education started…..